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What do our clients say

We are proud of the work we do with our clients and love to hear feedback at the end of our programmes. It helps us improve our offering and allows us to fine tune any wellbeing programme and coaching session to ensure that is tailor-made for best result.

These are some samples of testimonials.

Get in touch if you'd like to talk to us about your coaching needs.

Hand Touching Water


Simona - Manager

Ho iniziato questo percorso in un momento nel quale ero molto predisposta ad un cambiamento nella mia vita, sia professionale che privata.


Avere un coach mi ha aiutato a focalizzare l'attenzione su quali obiettivi prefissarmi e individuare gli strumenti per raggiungerli.


Mi sono sentita ascoltata e guidata nella giusta direzione. Il principale punto di forza è stato farmi prendere consapevolezza di quali fossero i "blocchi" che mi impedivano di fare quel passo in più rispetto ad una situazione statica nella quale non mi sentivo a mio agio.

Credo che sia stato sufficientemente tailor-made e ne sono molto soddisfatta.

Mi sento arricchita, nonostante quattro incontri possano sembrare pochi.

Grazie Mille!

Simona Gargiulo 

Overall Score



John - IT Specialist

Hands Typing

Gave me the space to dwell on myself and introspectively examine what I need and how to go about achieving it. 

My coach help steer me in the right direction and were able to listen fully and based on what was heard ask the right questions based on the context.

Some results are the dependent on other people or factors beyond my control so out of reach for the present moment.  

So not quick wins.

But Im progressing towards those also & hope to achieve those goals in the future based on game plan put in place.


John Kelly 

Overall Score

Very Satisfied 

Image by XPS


Ruth W. - Financial Controller

Having a coach great improved my work/life balance which was one of my main aims in undertaking the sessions. It helped to set achievable & maintainable goals.  It allowed me to look at the bigger picture about priorities in my life at this point in time and how best to manage them.

My coach is an excellent listener, allowed me to look at the situations from other view points, ensured goals set were realistic and achievable, new skills provided such as introducing ways to assess oneself and balance life which I will be able to draw on in future for both work and personal. 

Yes I achieved goals that I set out to achieve (time management in particular) and will continue to use them in the future

Thanks very much for providing me with important life skills to make me more self-aware and also skills to handle difficult work situations (communication skills) I am already using them every day and hope to be able to pass on these skills to other on my team in the future.

Thanks a million

RW - Finacial Controller

Overall Score

Very satisfied 

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